展览99.1心理仪器公司代理请求代表董事会3月18日1997 P签名者解放军的乐器公司的股东R(“公司”),特此任命肯尼斯•利维和丽莎·c·贝瑞和O的替换每个的力量,真正的和合法的X律师,beplay官网uedY代理和proxyholders签名者,特此授权代表和投票,规定,所有公司的普通股股票由我司全部记录3月7日,1997年,在公司的股东特别会议将在4月30日举行,1997年(“特别会议”),beplay官网ued在本公司总部,邮编:160里约热内卢Robbeplay官网uedles, San Jose, California, 95134,上午10:00。[X]请像本例中那样标记选票。该代理所代表的股份将以指定的方式进行投票。在没有任何方向的情况下,这些股份将被投票支持提案。以下签署人确认已收到特别会议通知及与特别会议有关的联合代理声明/招股说明书。(1)批准发行的股票为反对禁欲的普通股,每股面值0.001美元, [ ] [ ] [ ] 公司(“普通股”)的股东Tencor仪器,一家加利福尼亚公司(“Tencor”),根据协议和重组计划,日期为1月14日,1997年,在公司中,beplay官网uedTencor和Tiger Acquisition Corp, KLA的全资子公司(“合并子公司”),规定合并子公司与Tencor合并(“合并”)。(2)根据合并并在合并完成后,批准对公司公司注册证书([][][]“证书”)的修订,将公司名称更改为“KLA-Tencor Corporation”。beplay官网ued (3) To approve an amendment to the Certificate to For Against Abstain increase the number of authorized shares of Company [ ] [ ] [ ] Common Stock by 175 million shares to 250 million shares and to eliminate the designation of a class of Junior Common Stock. MARK HERE FOR ADDRESS [ ] CHANGE AND NOTE AT LEFT Please sign exactly as name appears hereon. Joint owners should each sign. Trustees and others acting in a representative capacity should indicate the capacity in which they sign and give their full title. If a corporation, please sign in full corporate name by an authorized officer. If a partnership, please sign in partnership name by an authorized person. Please mark, sign and date this proxy and return it promptly whether you plan to attend the meeting or not. If you do attend, you may vote in person if you desire. Signature:________________Date:________Signature:________________Date:_________