New Orbotech Solutions Enable Next-Gen Electronics

Nov 30, 2020

As 5G smartphones, advanced automotive electronics, medical and WFH/LFH (learn-from-home) devices become lighter in weight, smaller in form factor and higher in functionality, delicate flex materials for printed circuits play an increasingly critical role. But manufacturing flex printed circuits (FPCs) with these flex materials presents considerable challenges in terms of material handling, capacity, yield and quality.

Earlier today, Orbotech announced two new groundbreaking roll-to-roll (R2R) manufacturing solutions for flexible printed circuit (FPCs), enabling the design and mass production of these new generations of electronic devices. The new roll-to-roll solutions for direct imaging (DI) and UV laser drilling leverage newly developed as well as field-proven technologies to facilitate high-quality, cost-effective mass production of ultra-thin flexible printed circuits that are essential in advanced electronics.

For R2R direct imaging of FPCs, Orbotech launched the drum-basedOrbotech Infinitum™. This user-friendly solution enables optimal material handling and high-speed imaging, delivering extremely high yield, accuracy and throughput.

The company also introduced theOrbotech Apeiron™对于flex R2R和紫外激光dri sheet-by-sheet面板lling. It provides high throughput, high quality, high accuracy drilling for a wide variety of applications.

Both new solutions optimize the handling of the most delicate flex materials during direct imaging or UV laser drilling. They also offer more production flexibility with options for roll widths of 260mm and up to 520mm.

None of the new solutions would be possible without Orbotech’s top-notch development teams. Leveraging nearly 40 years of insights from working with leading manufacturers, the teams developed the solutions from the ground up rather than redesigning or retrofitting existing solutions. In doing this, Orbotech turns designers’ dreams into reality and helps bring next-gen electronics to life.

FPC manufacturers gain significant efficiencies with the smaller footprint of both solutions: smaller clean rooms are required, production capacity per square meter is increased, and power consumption is reduced. These significant advances create new opportunities for greener flex PCB manufacturing, benefiting not only the manufacturers but the world as a whole.

Learn more aboutOrbotech InfinitumandOrbotech Apeiron.

Tags:Orbotech,Product Launch

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