Today, power devices enable almost every industry, from energy efficient consumer goods such as washing machines and refrigerators, to mobile communications, automotive power electronics, and industrial controls. However, much like the rest of the electronics industry, their universal importance has created demand for higher performance and reliability at lower power consumption and smaller size. Industries driving this demand include5G通信,电动车辆(EV),轨道交通,和可再生能源的电气化。
Wide Bandgap (WBG)
Wide bandgap (WBG) semiconductor materials are ideal for these applications due to their ability to withstand high temperatures and electrical fields, often in harsh environmental conditions. Silicon carbide (SiC) is one of the primary WBG semiconductor materials used to address these challenging requirements. This is due to the material’s ability to operate at much higher temperatures and withstand up to 10 times stronger electric fields while having the same dimensions as a silicon (Si) device.
In a recently published articlePVD Metallization for SiC Power Devices, SPTS shares the latest technology advances in physical vapor deposition (PVD) of frontside and back side metallization on SiC wafers up to 200mm. SPTS notes that volume production of WBGpower devices一般是对在100mm和150毫米片,但也有一些电力设备制造商现在发展到实现缩放到200mm晶圆格式的成本效益。

随着硅功率器件的金属化晶圆上最大300mm使用SPTS的丰富经验Sigma®fxP PVD system, deposition of similar metals onto 200mm SiC wafers does not present too many new challenges. Through unique hardware features and process capability, the Sigma®fxP addresses the needs for both high quality metal films and high-volume production.
To learn more about the specific challenges of manufacturing SiC devices and how the Sigma®fxP PVD solution addresses them,阅读文章由SPTS技术,A KLA公司公布。beplay官网ued