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KLA-Tencor(纳斯达克:KLAC)今天推出了一个新的未绘图晶圆检测系统,旨在满足45nm的IC制造要求,适用于所有类型的裸晶圆,包括主要晶片,SOI(绝缘体上的绝缘体),外延和工程基板。采用专有的五通道检测技术,SurfScan SP2XP首次为客户提供检测所有主要类型的缺陷和快速将其晶圆分成无缺陷,可重新的可替换和废料类别的缺陷类型和缺陷的数量。该关键信息使晶片制造商能够重新工作以前以前报废,提高产量和增加盈利能力的晶片。

“对于全球的几乎所有晶圆供应商和芯片制造商,Surfscan是未染色的晶圆检查的行业标准。我们的新冲浪SP2XP系统现在为客户提供了满足45nm生产艰难挑战所需的吞吐量和生产力,”迈克克尔克KLA-Tencor晶圆检验组副总裁。“这一行业领先的晶圆供应商已经使用新系统更具成本有效地生产出无缺陷的45nm发电晶片。我们计划很快将SurfScan SP2XP技术超越裸衬底检查到大量的毯子薄膜工具半导体制造中所需的监控应用。“

通过双入射暗场频道增强,加上新的BrightField频道,SurfScan SP2XP系统捕获了全谱的缺陷类型,然后利用多通道比较算法来可靠地分离重新可行的“内在”缺陷,在单个检查步骤中。甚至在其增加的检测能力,与冲浪扫描SP2相比,新系统的吞吐量增加了20%至50%的吞吐量。

The Surfscan SP2XP system has been extensively tested through beta partnerships with leading wafer suppliers, including Soitec, the world's leading supplier of SOI wafers.

"The new Surfscan SP2XP system is the only system that provides the SOI sensitivity, independent of film thickness, that we require to address 45nm chipmaking, while at the same time providing a major leap forward in productivity," noted Christophe Maleville, vice president process engineering, at Soitec. "KLA-Tencor's latest Surfscan technology enables us to inspect our SOI substrates using the same specifications as bulk silicon, which contributes to enhanced yield and performance of our products."


SurfScan SP2XP技术摘要新的晶圆检测技术

在第一次为行业中,Surfscan SP2XP提供了检测45nm发电素,EPI和SOI晶片上的产量杀死固有或“晶体”缺陷的可靠方法,并将它们与重新加工抛光或衰落的缺陷分开。这种能力允许晶片制造商减少先前因其无法区分缺陷类型而引起的废钢晶片。

Enhanced inspection technologies detect more defect types

In addition to the Surfscan's traditional oblique- and normal-incidence darkfield channels, the new system incorporates a brightfield channel that provides another means of detecting challenging defect types. This brightfield channel, operating simultaneously with the darkfield channels, provides Differential Interference Contrast (DIC) capability, which uses the phase of the laser beam to distinguish large and shallow defects, providing additional defect classification.

One-Step Dual-Incidence Scan

新系统可以执行斜和正常incidence scans in one step. With both narrow and wide collection channels, the Surfscan SP2XP can generate data from five different optical configurations: oblique-narrow, oblique-wide normal-narrow, normal-wide, and brightfield. This unique, comprehensive optical design enables detection of all defect types. The system's UV wavelength confines the laser beam to the wafer surface, minimizing false counts from buried defects. The 30nm sensitivity on polished wafers represents the industry's highest production sensitivity level.

Cross-Channel Rules-Based Binning



The Surfscan SP2XP system can capture shallow CMP scratches -- defects which affect yield for Flash memory applications. The system also identifies previously unnoticed defect types such as orange peel, watermarks, slurry residue, and surface roughness changes that have low scattering intensity and a high correlation to process tool issues. The SP2XP detects and separates LLPD faceted pits (also called air pockets or air bubbles) from other defects such as micro-scratches, chatter marks, and particles. Controlling these defect types is critical to gate performance.

Classification of Stacking Faults on Epi Wafers



SOI晶片,如主要晶片,可含有SOI晶片表面的产量杀死空隙缺陷。SurfScan SP2XP技术可以将空隙与相对无害的颗粒和其他坠落缺陷分开,这可能是可重新的。利用这种能力,只需要具有大颗粒的晶片,只需用空隙的晶片报废。
