Plan Summary
Plan Period
This Plan is effective for the calendar year period from January 1, 2017 through December 31, 2017 (the “Plan Period”). Newly eligible employees (e.g., employees promoted to an incentive-eligible position for the first time or a new hire) must be in an eligible position on or before October 1, 2017 as recorded in the HR system in order to qualify for participation in this Plan Period.
该公司的beplay官网ued首席执行官(“ CEO”)和在X02级及以上职位(共同与首席执行官的“高管”)担任职位的员工有资格参加该计划。
奖金付款基于计划期内的绩效,将在2017年12月31日之后的90天内支付。奖金计算基于适用计划期限的付费基本工资。如果季节性奖金被认为是员工年工资的组成部分,则有偿基本工资包括在某些国家 /地区支付的基本工资和季节性奖金。付费的基本工资不包括搬迁津贴和报销,学费补偿,汽车/运输津贴,外籍津贴,佣金,长期残疾支付或计划期间支付的奖金。参与者必须在支出之日起正常的,活跃的雇员,才能获得付款。beplay官网ued在计划期间(在2017年10月1日或之前)被晋升或聘为合格职位的员工将根据人力资源系统中记录的促销或雇用日期的薪水计算。如果员工的目标奖金在这一年中变化,则支出将被倍增。
Funding Threshold
该计划的总可用资金将取决于按照平衡记分卡和工作保证金(“ OM”)*绩效衡量的阈值水平的绩效。The Plan will be fully funded (equivalent to the sum, for all Plan participants in the aggregate, of 3 times the product of each Plan participant’s target bonus percentage and base salary during the Plan Period) upon achievement of Operating Margin Performance of $**. This performance threshold constitutes the performance threshold for purposes of Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code (“Section 162(m)”). This fully
注意:本展览的一部分是KLA-Tencor Corporation向美国证券交易委员会(“ SEC”)的机密治疗请求的主题。此类部分已被编辑,并用“*”代替了编辑的文本。已编辑的信息已分别提供到SEC。
Performance Matrix and Determination of Funding Available for Bonus Payments
如下表(“最终CY17 CY17执行奖金支付表”中提供的公司平衡记分卡和OM绩效,可为参与的高管付款的资金水平将基于绩效。表中的金额代表每个参与主管的目标奖金的倍数,可用于分配奖金付款,但根据该高管的IPM进行任何正面或负面调整(如下定义)。
Individual Performance and Determination of Executive Bonus Payments
每位主管(首席执行官除外)的实际奖金付款金额将基于首席执行官对计划期间高管绩效的评估,并确定个人绩效乘数(“ IPM”),范围为80-120%。IPM乘以高管的目标奖金,以及从上面的CY17执行奖金支付表中获得的多重额,以确定实际的奖金付款金额(请参见下面的奖金计算)。每位高管的绩效将根据高管领导其组织的有效程度,以反对行政人员各自组织的关键平衡记分卡措施和目标。每位计划参与者的IPM和最终奖金付款是该公司的执行官,其目的是为1934年《证券交易法》第16条(根据首席执行官)的修订,首席执行官将由首席执行官推荐并审查并审查和审查beplay官网ued获得薪酬委员会的批准。首席执行官的IPM和最终奖金付款将由公司董事会确定和批准。beplay官网ued所有其他计划参与者的IPM和最终奖金付款将由首席执行官审查和批准。
Bonus Calculation
x Participant’s target bonus percentage
x Participant’s IPM
注意:本展览的一部分是KLA-Tencor Corporation向美国证券交易委员会(“ SEC”)的机密治疗请求的主题。此类部分已被编辑,并用“*”代替了编辑的文本。已编辑的信息已分别提供到SEC。
在任何事件可以奖金支付参与者exceed 3 times such participant’s target bonus (i.e., 3 times the product of (a) the participant’s paid base salary for the Plan Period times (b) the Participant’s target bonus percentage).
General Provisions
The Compensation Committee (or the independent members of the Company’s Board of Directors, within the meaning set forth in Section 162(m) (the “Independent Directors”)) shall be the Plan Administrator. The Compensation Committee (or the Independent Directors) shall make such rules, regulations, interpretations and computations and shall take such other action to administer the Plan as it may deem appropriate. The establishment of the Plan shall not confer any legal rights upon any employee or other person for a continuation of employment, nor shall it interfere with the rights of the Company to discharge any employee and to treat him or her without regard to the effect which that treatment might have upon him or her as a participant in the Plan.
This Plan shall be construed, administered and enforced by the Compensation Committee (or the Independent Directors), in its sole discretion. The laws of the State of California will govern any legal dispute involving the Plan. The Compensation Committee (or the Independent Directors) may at any time alter, amend or terminate the Plan, subject to the requirements of Section 162(m).
References in this Plan to Operating Margin refer to the Company’s calculation of non-GAAP Operating Margin
注意:本展览的一部分是KLA-Tencor Corporation向美国证券交易委员会(“ SEC”)的机密治疗请求的主题。此类部分已被编辑,并用“*”代替了编辑的文本。已编辑的信息已分别提供到SEC。